Cast Members are encouraged to donate their time and many talents to charitable and community endeavors through our VoluntEARS program. Engagement and service to the community are an important part of what makes Disney so special. By working with community organizations and other partners, we create outreach programs that make lasting, positive change in the communities we call home.
Since the groundbreaking in 2011, Shanghai Disney Resort VoluntEARS contributed more than 31,000 hours in our community which impacted over 190,000 people’s lives.
Disney VoluntEARS Leadership Council

Disney VoluntEARS Leadership Council
Made up of passionate Cast Members devoted to serving the community, the Disney VoluntEARS Leadership Council represents the Cast in our volunteer initiatives, encouraging participation and leading different VoluntEARS activities.
Disney VoluntEARS Awards

Disney VoluntEARS Awards
Since 2013, Shanghai Disney Resort recognizes the outstanding achievements of our VoluntEARS by presenting the annual “VoluntEAR of the Year” and “VoluntEAR Team of the Year” awards.
EARS TO YOU Grant Program

EARS TO YOU Grant Program
To recognize Cast Members’ efforts in giving back to the community, The Walt Disney Company started the EARS To YOU program. The program that allows Cast Members to turn their hours of volunteer service into a financial contribution to a non-profit organization of their choice. Cast Members with at least 10 volunteer hours are eligible to join the program. The highest matching donation amount is up to US$ 2,000 (around RMB 13,000) per Cast Member.